
Kremnica  (German: Kremnitz, Hungarian: Körmöcbánya) is a town in central Slovakia. It has some 5,700 inhabitants. The well-preserved medieval town built above important gold mines is the site of the oldest still-working mint in the world. 

Kremnica was among the major mining towns of the world during the Middle Ages and in the modern era due to the abundant gold ore deposits in the Kremnica Mountains. However, the first evidence of sub-surface mining activities comes from the 9th century.

The first written reference to the town dates back to 1328, when it was granted royal town privileges by King Charles I of Hungary. 

Franciscan Monastery

The church and the Monastery of St. Francisco is the Slovak National Monument. It's a beautiful monument originating from the 17th century.

The church with the Loreto chapel is on the right (from the tower). The monastery is on the left.

At the bottom - the western side of the square is the Franciscan monastery, the church, the Loreto chapel and a granary. (Štefánikovo us. No. 31/36). East wing of the monastery was built in 1653 in place of the two Gothic houses on the initiative of George Lippaya - the archbishop of Esztergom. The monastery was further expanded in 1702. This creates a four-wing ground plan with a medium - so called. paradise yard and then along the city walls, the west wing - year 1777 - at the corner of Franciscan dating Bastia (after the great fire in the city). Nave Baroque church, the sanctuary is oriented to the west, and was ordained in 1715, the main altar with pillared architecture displays St. Francis of Assisi parish church from demolition comes the big picture Assumption by A. Schmidt. North of the church is Loretto Chapel. It comes from 1758 and is functionally connected with the church. Granary Franciscan complex is erected to the west and north of the chapel of the church. Inside are murals with figural and plant motifs.

Štefánik Square

The Town Square is very beautiful. There are building from the 13th - 14th century.

Štefánik Square in Kremnica is the central city square of this town in the district Žiar nad Hronom. The square has been since time immemorial the city center. It is going on all public life. TThe square is lined with houses of the former leading townspeople. On the square until 1880 there stood the parish church of the Blessed Virgin Mary (in that year it was demolished for breach static).

Štefánik Square (in  year 1990 named Square on May 1) in art-historical terms it is among the major city central square in the whole of Slovakia. This is documented by a number of important historical sites, many of which are included in the list of national cultural heritage of the Slovak Republic. The most important cultural and historical monuments on Stefanik Square include:

  • Town Hall
  • The building of the Roman Catholic parish
  • so called  Pizetár´s house
  • Museum of Coins and Medals
  • Franciscan Church and Monastery 
  • Mint
  • Plague Column
  • Baroque Fountain

The Plague Column

Plague Column of the Holy Trinity in Kremnica is a late Baroque building from the years 1765-1772, forming a dominant central square in this town in the district of Žiar nad Hronom in Banska Bystrica region.

In May 1765 the city council decided to build in Kremnica in the town square plague pillar in memory of plague that hit the city and surroundings in 1710. Here was already older, but simpler column, which wanted Alderman replaced by a new, grander and more monumental (original column from 1711 in 1761 dismantled and moved to a nearby village Horná Ves where it stands to this day).

Zechenter garden

Zechenter´s Garden Oak is the Europen Tree of the year 2014.

The Oak Tree is the dominant feature of the historically and botanically important garden once belonging to doctor and writer Dr. Zechenter. The Oak is special for its age, size and shape of the crown. It has historical, cultural and aesthetic importance for the city. This majestic tree has been connected with the Austrian - Hungarian history of the ancient mining city known for mining gold, silver and minting coins. The garden was visited by Emperor Joseph II, eldest son of Maria Theresa according to the Chronicle. The Oak grows near the geographical center of Europe.


Mint in Kremnica is the only functional Mint in Slovakia.

Kremnica Mint, state enterprises, the Slovak national mints based in Kremnica. November 17, 1328 it was founded by King Charles I, so that Povýšil city Kremnica settlements in the city to award him the privilege to operate a mint. Mint in Kremnica for nearly seven centuries continuously produce coin products. Production Kremnica Mint IS ocher production of coins and medals focused on the manufacturing of products like plaques, tokens, badges, awards, Mayor's chains, advice many other products.

Zechenter's house

It belonged to the famous Slovak writer G. K. Zechenter - Laskomerský.

The historic bourgeois house in the street P. Križku 14 Kremnica where in the years 1881-1908 lived the significant Slovak writer and scientist, one of the leading figures of Slovak national-emancipation movement, Gustav Kazimir Zechenter - Laskomerský. This man in the history of Slovakia is registered as co-founder of Matica Slovakia, and - among other things being a doctor - also the founder of the occupational medicine in Slovakia. Beside the house there is a beautiful park called Zechenterova Garden.

History of Kremnica 

History of Kremnica is very wealthy.

Kremnica is an ancient mining town with traditional coinage. In 1329 there it began to mint Hungarian pennies  known as Kremnica ducats. Early in 15th century Kremnica was already fortified. In the mid 15th century, the developed city with walls and 9 city district had about 250 houses with 690 families and 3,000 people. Trade particularly geared to extracting secured home craft of the 15th century, organized in the early 15th century, the town was faced with already developed self-government with the mayor, 12 sworns and a notary.  Kremnica in 1456  gained the right to seal with the red wax. In the 15th and 16th centuries, surface mining and mined deposits began to decline. For a transitory recovery of mining that occurred in the early 18th century. In 1767 it worked in the mines for 1299 miners. Late 18th century mining declined again, which is multiplied by fires in 1777 and 1787 that destroyed the greater part of the city. In 1900, the state took over all mines in Kremnica. The Mint, despite several attempts to repeal successfully developed and remained the most important in Austria-Hungary.

Kremnica Gags 

Kremnica gags subtitled European Festival of Humour and Satire 

Kremnica gags subtitled European Festival of Humour and Satire is an international multi-genre festival which takes place in late August in Kremnica since 1980 (in 2016 took place on 36th) Kremnica gags are funny festival that takes place in the city center. They ascend up famous actors from the world but also from Slovakia.  On the 36th year, there were about 10,000 visitors (for comparison Kremnica has only 5,700 inhabitants.)

Kremnica Mountains

Kremnica is one of the most beautifully situated cities in Slovakia.  

It lies in a valley of the Kremnica hills, in the northern extremity Jastraba Highlands, at the confluence of the creeks Bystrica and Rudnica. Kremnica is surrounded by seven hills: Kremnica Hill, Birchen Hill, Inside, Jarabica, Trnovník, Šturec and Krahule Hill. Mineral exploitation has a tradition of gold mining in Kremnica's Mountains, which are in the pyroxenic andesites, sometimes even ascend antimony ore. The climate is cold at higher altitudes, the western part is slightly warm. The northern part is forested (spruce, oak, beech). The Kremnica Mountains occurs feature hazel rare and protected birds: eagles, falcon and partridges. The valleys are the Kremnica State Nature Reserve - Slope Bull meadow volcanic background rife with protected Heuffel saffron, hereinafter Kremnica Stos significant Andesite Peak formation with rugged stone walls. 

Personalities of Kremnica

Many celebrities, that are famous around the world, lived and worked in Kremnica.

Jozef Cíger-Hronský - (* 1896 - † 1960) - He was a Slovak writer, teacher, painter, editor, publisher, journalist, author of books for youth and later as secretary and administrator of association Matica.

Darina Lehotská - (*  1922, Kremnica - †1990, Bratislava) - archivist, historian and university teacher. After graduation he worked in the Archives of Bratislava, where she worked in 1945-1955. At the same time lectured since 1950 Archives at Comenius University, where in the years 1955-1987 she worked first as assistant professor of the Department of Archives and History of Czechoslovak and later as associate professor. Her teaching activities were mainly focused on archiving and Diplomacy, but also addressed other auxiliary historical sciences.

Peter Michalica - (* 1945), violinist. Michalica is the author, but also reserves space for its own interpretative opinion, which is always controversial.

Other personalities of Kremnica:

  • Tomas Hanak (* March 27, 1957, Kremnica), actor
  • Alexander Hell (* 24 February 1847, Banská Štiavnica - † February 15, 1877, Kremnica), teacher and botanist
  • Olga Adamčíková (* 1903 - † 1992), actress
  • Filip Machold (* October 18, 1815, Kremnica - † 8 October 1864, Banská Bystrica), book printer and publisher
  • Matej Burian (* Kremnica - Slovakia † 1581), organist, organ- builder, 1565-1581 municipal organist in Kremnica

Vojtech Angyal and Gejza Angyal 

They were father and son, they were both devoted to art.

Vojtech Angyal

Between 1865 - 1869 he studied at the Vienna Academy of Fine Arts and the historic painting. V. Angyala action - after obtaining the diploma, in the years 1869 - 1870 Assistant drawing and calligraphy at the US Merchant Marine College in Rijeka, in the years 1870 - 1873 art teacher at a school in Kecskemét, in 1873 art teacher at the Secondary School in the Constitution deaf mutes in Kremnica. The author proposes the ceramics factory in Kremnica. Most of his works (including pottery) located at the Museum of Coins and Medals in Kremnica, further with his work we encounter in Maharashtra Gallery, the Slovak National Gallery in Bratislava and Zvolen Castle.

Gejza Angyal

In the years 1906-1911 he studied at the Academy of Fine Arts in Budapest. In 1910 he graduated professor of drawing. Since 1914 he taught at the State Industrial School in Banska Bystrica. Since 1919 he lived and worked as a freelance artist in Kremnica. He was a member of the Hungarian Society for science, literature and art in Bratislave. The first successes achieved as a graphic designer. In his graphic art and painting compositions celebrating the work of man, especially miners. In Banska Bystrica created drawings and sketches of the Banská Bystrica old yards, the characters at fairs, as well as oil paintings. The main theme in his landscape painting was Kremnica. After the liberation, he became involved in public life, painted posters and diplomas and again returned to the mining theme. His works are in the Museum of Fine Arts in Budapest, in the National Gallery in Prague, National Gallery in Bratislava, in the regional galleries and museums.

Tourism in Kremnica

Tourism and cyclo tourism, more and more popular forms of active rest, have excellent conditions here. 

Mostly, it is the attractive mountain surrounding, which is well suited for this form of recreation. Kremnica, the region's center, is connected with surrounding villages by network routes. You can also get on the other side of the Kremnica Mountains main ridge, to surroundings of Banska Bystrica along them. Large number of tourist routes lead through this fascinating country. At least two of them we would like to bring to our visitors' attention: Kremnica - Kremnický štít (Kremnica Peak) - Ihráč and Kremnica - Tri kríže (Three Crosses) - Skalka. From several cycle routes, which involve tens of kilometers we, likewise, selected two: the first one Pohronie - Kremnica Cycle Round Tour takes visitors via the town near and far surrounding villages on roads with starting point and destination in Kremnica. The second one connects this royal mining town with submontane village Krahule. It is more difficult and leads through mountain terrain along forest and field trails. We believe that recreational as well as fitter cyclo-tourists satisfy themselves, get rest in peaceful mountain environment and thanks to cyclo-tourism they get to know natural and also cultural-historical sights of Kremnica and its surroundings.

Citizenship of Kremnica

We have about 5000 citizens in Kremnica, with a lot of religious differences.

Kremnica was civilized by many countries, such as Hungary, Germany and Italy. There are roughly 5420 Citizens in Kremnica. Ethnic and religious composition of the population (as of 2001):

  • Ethnic composition:
  • Slovaks - 95.76% - 5190
  • Germans - 1.19% - 64
  • Czechs - 0.88% - 47
  • Roma - 0.86% - 46
  • Hungarians - 0.33% - 18
  • Ukrainians - 0,03% - 2
  • and others - 0,95% - 5
  • Religious composition:
  • Roman Catholics - 64,89% - 3517
  • no religion - 22.62% - 1226
  • Protestants A. V. - 5.84% - 316
  • Greek Catholics - 0.46% - 25
  • and others - 6,21% - 337

Kremnica before and after World War I

World War I intervened also the town Kremnica. 479 citizens enlisted, of which around 60 were killed at the front.  

In 1915 it was requisitioned and used for military purposes 11 bells from the churches of Kremnica. In time of war from May 30, 1916 Kremnica had a small military garrison - backup artillery section (Ersatzbatterie) in the number of 200 men, 52 horses and four guns. It was located in an old brewery and a factory for production of boxes. The military hospital was in the Institution for deaf mutes, the store in the High Street in Lörinc factory for production of stove tiles. The military group comprised mostly Poles, Rusyns and Bosnians. Some of them died as a result of disease and war injuries in the hospital and were buried in the local cemetery. After the war the army store was moved to Levice by Hungarian armies. To save a part of the Municipality of clothes, thez were left for the town police, who used military uniforms until 1919.

Bujačia Lúka

Bujačia Meadow is a nature reserve administered by the State Nature Protection Banská Štiavnica.

It is located in the cadastral territory of the municipality Kremnica district Žiar nad Hronom in Banska Bystrica region. The area was declared in 1953 and last amended in 1986 on an area of ​​2.0145 ha. Protection zone has not been established.

The object of protection is: the site's conservation Heuffelovho saffron (Crocus heuffelianus Herbert) in Kremnica Mountains, important for scientific-research, educational, cultural and educational point of view. 

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